Day 4 – Duluth and the North Shore

Sorry we didn’t get this out yesterday but the WiFi in the hotel is spotty at best. We had a lovely drive with Geoff and Becca in the MINI (top down) to Split Rock lighthouse on the north shore of Lake Superior.

We made several stops along the way and Becca was brave enough to stick her toe in the 44 degree water ????

We saw many beautiful sights along the way…

Tim’s favorite was “world famous” Betty’s Pies in Two Harbors

After a brief stop at the Split Rock Lighthouse …

We stopped on the way back for a little hiking at the beautiful Gooseberry Falls State Park

Then a quick trip back to Duluth for Nathan and Jenni’s wedding rehearsal. All in all a great day with the kids.

Day 3 – Duluth

Had a nice drive from Madison to Duluth and a wonderful late lunch at the Duluth Grill where Tim was able to inform the waitress that Duluth was the birthplace of pie a la mode (which of course he had to sample). Then, in to check in at the historic Fitger’s Inn in the former Fitger’s Brewery on the shores of Lake Superior.

Becca and Geoff joined us for drinks lakeside and dinner at this charming property. A great day and evening.

Obligatory MINI photo on Lake Superior. So far MINI KC is over 1,600 miles this trip.


Day Two – Clarksville to Madison

Today we traversed Illinois and made it to Madison, Wisconsin where we are enjoying the hospitality of Rhonda’s brother Jay Gillespie and his wife Susan.

Had the chance to clean the bugs and road dirt off the MINI – looking forward to adding to the grill badge collection …

Tomorrow up and on our way to Duluth, MN to join Becca and Geoff and celebrate wedding nuptials with Jenni and Nathan.

Day One – We’re On Our Way!

We’ve completed the first leg of our trip on our way to Duluth, MN by way of Madison, Wisconsin. We followed “The Last Truck to Clarksville” (Tennessee) and the last two hours through Nashville were “challenging”. Fortunately we have the John Cooper Works brake package on our MINI as they were called into action on several occasions. ????

Some folks have wondered how we are packing for a month long trip in a MINI Cooper Convertible. The answer is – very carefully. Below is a picture of the back seat…

Each of us has our own “cube” and we’ve pre-packed each of our days clothes in 2 gallon ZipLock bags. Obviously we’ll be recycling several times and fortunately we have laundry facilities at several of our destinations. Below is a picture of the boot/trunk…

In the boot we have our “go bag” with sundries, pj’s, etc. that we use every night. Tim also shoved in a pillow in case one of the hotel’s don’t meet his high standards!

Tomorrow – off to Madison.

C=Route Change

Well, our original plan was to depart on Monday and head to Mackinac Island for our first stop but as we all know…the best laid plans.  Now, we’re heading directly to the wedding  in Duluth, MN in which Tim is the officiant and our daughter, Rebecca, is a bridesmaid.  First night’s stop is north of Nashville and then on to an overnight with Rhonda’s brother, Jay and his wife Susie in Madison, Wisconsin.

Casey 2018 Summer Trip Route

Here is the planned route for our 2018 MINI Cooper Summer Trip which includes a visit to Makanac Island, MI; a wedding in Duluth; a trip with MTTS from Little Rock, AR to Keystone, CO and a tour of Western National Parks.  Should take 30+ days and 8,000 Miles.