Day 8 Beijing, China

After our flight from Xi’an to Beijing we spent the night at the beautiful Regent Hotel in Beijing.

From there it was a 1 hour trip to the Great Wall.

The section closest to Beijing is the newest section, built approximately 600 years ago. When you first see it you are left with the question why isn’t it called “The Great Steps” as the wall seems relatively incidental.

The sign below (especially the “brain disease) seemed quite appropriate as you gaze up at the thousands of uneven steps ahead.

Rhonda climbed 10 flights then claimed “brain disease” when she looked down while Tim climbed up the 25 flights to the 1st tower in sight. While the original wall was thousands of miles long, much of it has crumbled over the centuries. Now there are several sections which stretch for several kilometers which are maintained as tourist attractions.

Here’s Tim atop the first tower being photobombed by an Armenian.

Then it was on to lunch at one of the best Peking Duck restaurants in the city, according to our guide.

Everything at all of our meals was served family style so you had to grab food from a lazy susan and get ready for the next item coming around.

They made a great show of carving the duck tableside.

A final note. While the men had access to traditional urinals, except in the western hotels, all of the other toilets looked like this…

Good for the thigh muscles but most of the ladies said it took a bit of practice. Tim found this aid hanging in the men’s room if your thighs weren’t up to the challenge…

All in all, a wonderful trip with our guide Martin who got everyone back safe and sound and provided great insights into Chinese culture, past and present.