Day 6 – Village Visit, Leopards, Chief Camp and Painted Wild Dogs

Today was another FULL day with a 7:00 AM trip to a near-by village where we were warmly greeted by the local residents. Today’s post may not come out until tomorrow and our current accommodations, while luxurious (more about that later) has limited satellite based internet capabilities. Actually, considering we are in the middle of Africa it is amazing we can post at all!

The huts are primarily constructed of bricks made from cement they gather from the MANY termite mounds all around

They had a small market pavilion where we were able to purchase baskets, carvings and the like.

Then they bid us Farewell with a beautiful song. It was great fun watching their children learning the song and dance moves


On the way back to our hotel the Quine’s veered as they spotted an impala carcus up in a tree. That means only one thing – Leopards. As we came around the base of the tree we spotted the momma up in the tree…

Then, there at the base of the tree was her cub…

We left the village and started back to catch our plane to our next Safari location, the exquisite Sanctuary Chief’s camp.

Sanctuary Chief’s Camp

We could easily fill a separate blog with photos and details about this amazing location. For those of you interested in more details, here’s a link to their website:

As we entered the compound we were once again greeted with a singing staff and this view:

Rhonda took a few photos of our room

The hour is getting late here and we have ANOTHER 6:00 AM call so I will leave you with a photo of the rare and endangered Painted Wild Dogs. I may supplement this post in the morning with some terrific video clips I captured, we’ll see if they can upload to YouTube over night. Enjoy!