Day 12 – Cape of Good Hope & Penguins



This is our last full day in Africa.  We have seen some amazing sights during these past weeks and this morning we are being treated to a ride down the cape to the Cape of Good Hope – the southwestern most point in Africa.  For my map readers (I’m thinking of you Becca) here’s a reference…

This was our first cloudy day since arriving in Africa and we felt fortunate to have seen Table Mountain the day before as it was no longer visible from our hotel.  We boarded our bus for a ride down the coastal road into the Table Mountain National Forest.  This road hugs the coast passing several coastal town.  The road took the British 20 years to construct as much it is cut into the rock and your are hugging the side of the mountain

Along the way we passed the occasional baboon, ostrich  and even a wildebeest, although we were less than an hour outside the city.  The views were breathtaking, reminiscent of the coast highway in California or the roads into and surrounding Sydney.  This was the area Vasco da gama ”discovered” in 1488, although the indigenous people may beg to differ.   

There were thousands of birds present and even a ostrich who wandered into the scene.From there we headed out to the Cape of Good Hope lighthouse with spectacular views of the cape, and low and behold the sun started to come out.  There a funicular to take you up to the base of the lighthouse

From there it was a climb up rocky stairs to the light house itself, but the views were worth it.Eland, the largest antelope in South Africa

From there we headed up the other side of the cape to the village of Simon’s Town for lunch and a visit to the beach where the African Penguins hang out.The babies that have hatched are already as big as the parents in less than 30 days

Most of us could have spent hours watching them but, it was time to return to the city and civilization. On our way back we could see the storm clouds already falling over the back side of Table Mountain

The clouds were a harbinger of the winter rains to come so our timing was perfect, time to leave the cape, Africa and the trip of a lifetime.

As we write this we are waiting in the lounge of Qatar Airlines in Doha, Qatar to catch our flight back to Miami in the morning.  We hope you have enjoyed our postings and we look forward to seeing everyone soon.  It has been a wonderful trip.