Day 5 – Okavango Delta, Helicopters & Boating

Tim opted to stay snuggled in bed this morning and rest rather than going on the early drive but Rhonda was up at 5:15 and off on a Safari drive by 6:30.  A chilly start with a temperature of 41 but well worth it as the animals were fantastic. First photo is a very pregnant hyena who dug the hole where she’ll deliver her cub. Dazzles of zebras, herds of wildebeest, impala, antelope, water buffalo and elephants were all making their way to the stream for their morning drink.  The warthogs and their young were fun to watch as were the baboons. Giraffes are a bit more elusive but plentiful, however, they are rather shy so we can’t get too close.

But the real experience of the day was encountering a pride of mostly juvenile male lions with a couple females on the move. The young males have the beginning of their mane coming in and they stayed in close proximity to their “mamas.” This finished off the Big 5 – elephant, rhinoceros, water buffalo, leopard, lion! Never expected to see so many animals so close in the most beautiful surroundings within just a few days. We are in open jeeps, 6 to a car with a guide. Though we are very close to the animals, it has never felt frightening. If you follow safari etiquette, you will remain safe. At least that’s what the guide says. 

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Then it was back to the lodge for lunch and an amazing helicopter ride over the delta with breathtaking views of herds of water buffalo, elephants, bloats of hippos, dazzles of zebras and towers of giraffes.

After a brief respite, we returned to the beautiful Eagles Nest where we were given a ride in a traditional mokoro boat to see the Okavango Delta close up.  Then back for a bush walk with our guide Kops, note the “walking stick” he carries, just in case.  Finally drinks and another beautiful sunset at the Eagles Nest bar, mentioned in the New York Times as one of the most beautiful bars in the world to watch the sun set.  We’d have to agree.

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